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My Review of The Wishbones by Tom Perrotta

     Today he felt richer for possessing a past, maybe even a little wiser. They had had their moment; they hadn't let it pass. That was the most anyone could say.

     "See?" she said. "You even deny that you're in denial."
     "Isn't that the whole point? I mean you can't be in denial and know about it. That defeats the whole purpose."

Not everyone has a dream. But some people know by the time that they are ten that they want to be an actor, a lawyer or doctor. Dave Raymond, like countless others, wants to be a rockstar, and just like most of those other dreamers, that isn't exactly how it turns out.

But Dave's stint in a New Jersey wedding band does manage to stave off most of his demons.

Then he proposes to his girlfriend and he realizes his confusion and the fact that he is over 30 and still living at home with his parents.

The storyline isn't new exactly, but Tom Perrotta writes this story with such truth and wonderful humor that you'll be laughing and seeing parts of yourself all the way through, whether you're a just a dreamer or a dreamer with ambition.

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