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My Review of Tis by Frank McCourt

Frank McCourt is such a wonderful writer. I liked his written and spoken words so much before reading this book that I went into this REALLY wanting to enjoy it. I read a couple of interviews with him after Angela's Ashes came out and he mentioned how he hoped the sequel would be well received and that he could get it done on time. Well, accomplishing the latter nixed his chances of succeeding in the former.

This book was very interesting. It kept my attention and I loved hearing how he got started in New York and where he used to haunt. So much happened to him. But I truly felt as if Mr. McCourt rushed his way through writing this book. The first half seemed more thoughtful and detailed. The second half felt as if he was working on a deadline. Perhaps he was. Even so, as much as I liked this book and the story of the second half of his life, I don't think that he put the time in that was neccesary to have Tis reach its full potential.

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