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Bridget Jones's Diary

**** out of 5

Friday 04.05.2001, Kips Bay Loew's on 2nd Avenue and 31st Street

Where do I start with the raves for this movie?

This movie was well-cast and hilarious. It was sweet and true to the book (for the most part.) Renee Zellwegger surprised me in how well she portrayed Bridget. She really did a great job. Renee looked fabulous, like a real woman, as Bridget should be!

Hugh Grant put forth the first good performance I have seem him do since Four Weddings and a Funeral. He was perfect as her boss, Daniel. He was handsome and slighty swarmy, but charming enough so I could understand what Bridget saw in him.

Oh, and can I even say the words about Colin Firth as Mark Darcy? Well, I'll say this much, this movie caters a bit to woman's fantasy guy - handsome, smart, funny, tall, charming, romantic, and to top it all off... he truly loves Bridget "just as she is." So I can't really imagine any guy I know enjoying this movie as much as I did!

I have read the book and the movie was just as enjoyable, but they're both only for the ladies, IMHO. Enjoy!