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Hammer of the Gods by Steven Davis

Summary: This is a biography of Led Zeppelin.

My Review: Being a younger fan of LZ, I was not around when they made all the headlines about the scandals that they got into, so this book was definitely an interesting read. I had heard bits and pieces of fighting, stories of Satan worship, shark incidents and womanizing. Hammer of the Gods satisfied my curiosity because it told me the full story behind all the rumors, or rather what the actual rumors were.

But unfortunately, it is poorly written. I am huge fan of LZ, but how many times can the author tell us that the crowd 'exploded' when the band got on the stage? Of course the crowd went nuts. I wasn't reading this book to learn how *really* popular LZ was. Anyone interested in this book would already know that.

And the author actually believing that the band sold its soul to the devil and that Jimmy Page was a vessel of Satan?! Mr. Davis can believe whatever he wants in his spare time, but to make it a theme of the band's biography? The info belongs there, but to take it as fact just seems ridiculous!

And it seems that all Davis' information came from basically one source, Richard Cole, (aside from a quote from two of Page's 'girlfriends', Bebe Buell and Lori Maddox). And judging from the direct quotes from Richard Cole, not only does he sound like a complete WT idiot, but I think that only about 30% of this book actually happened.

In conclusion, obviously, this is only for true true LZ fans. Hopefully is will inspire one of us to write a readable biography of this beloved band.

P.S. Mr. Davis, next time you want to use half of your docudrama book to tell the readers the setlists from every single show, please think again, because anyone can go to Trampled Underground.

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